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Peer Data for New England Banks
4th Quarter Report, 2018

Attached is our compilation of peer financial information for New England banks. Please CLICK HERE to view the December 31, 2018 data. Consistent with last quarter, each New England state has its own tab, and there is a final tab that consolidates all of the banks in New England.

The data includes a number of key credit quality, performance and capital adequacy ratios. We also include simple averages for each state and comparable ratios for all FDIC-insured institutions in the $100 million to $1.0 billion and $1.0 billion to $10.0 billion range.

Comparing New England banks to all FDIC-insured institutions, consistent with recent trends, margins in New England continue to lag behind the rest of the country, impacting profitability and efficiency ratios. Margins for New England banks are improving at a slow pace moving from 3.33% in December 2017 to 3.40% in December 2018.

Credit quality continues to be outstanding with net charge-offs (7 basis points), and the non-performing loan to total loan ratio (64 basis points) below national averages.


As always, feel free to contact us with any questions.

Mario Solari, CPA
860.524.4494 |                                                                                              


Larry Carboni, CPA

860.524.4485 |

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