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Best Practices for Creating an Impenetrable Passphrase



Passwords, in essence, are the keys to the kingdom, so we must make sure that we keep them secure, safe, and strong to keep cybercriminals out. Whittlesey's Manager of IT Security and Assurance Services, Chris Wisneski, discusses best practices for an impenetrable password in the latest Whittlesey Minute.

New Practice

Past practice has been to encourage end users to create passwords with a lot of complexity, change them often. Which in reality it makes it much harder for them to remember. Well, moving forward, the new standard actually calls to create a 12 character passphrase. So, for example, my house is yellow, simple passphrase, but it prevents the user from writing it down and forgetting it often. It also calls for the users not to be forced to change their password often. So, you may not have to change your password again unless there is a suspected breach or security incident. 


Chris Wisneski
Manager, IT Security & Assurance Services | 860.524.4434


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